Mouthguards – What are They and What Do They Do?

Mouthguards Explained by the Experts at Milani Family Dental

Could you benefit from a mouthguard? Learn more about the different types of mouthguards and if your smile could benefit from one.

Mouthguards are used to protect the teeth and gums and are typically associated with sports, such as football or hockey. But sports mouthguards aren’t the only type available. If you grind your teeth, your smile may also benefit from a mouthguard.

People of all ages can benefit from wearing mouthguards. The experts at Milani Family Dental recommend mouthguards for:

  • People who experience bruxism (teeth grinding)
  • Athletes who play high-contact sports, such as football, hockey, lacrosse, or basketball
  • Anyone involved in an activity where a blow to the mouth could occur, such as bicycling, gymnastics, or skating

If you fall into one of the above categories, adding a mouthguard to your routine is important. There are different types of mouthguards available, so how can you be sure you’re buying the right one for you?

The first step is identifying which of the categories you fall into. A mouthguard made for a person with bruxism will feel different than one meant to protect teeth during sports and activities. 

  • Boil and bite mouthguards are made of a thermoplastic material that you shape yourself at home. You place it in hot water (not boiling, even though the name indicates boiling water). Once the mouthguard has softened, you place it in your mouth and use your fingers to mold it into the shape of your mouth. Once molded, you bite down for about 20 seconds then run it under cold water. The mouthguard can be reshaped as needed to ensure the ideal fit.
  • Custom fitted mouthguards are created by a dental professional and provide the highest level of protection because they are made especially for your mouth. Custom mouthguards can be created for athletes or for patients who grind their teeth.
  • Over-the-counter adjustable mouthguards can be used while sleeping to prevent bruxism. They often use a sliding piece that rests between the teeth.
  • Stock mouthguards are ready-to-wear. Because they are not made for your smile, they may not fit properly.

There are many benefits to wearing a mouthguard. During athletic events, a mouthguard provides protection should a blow to the mouth occur. It can prevent teeth from being knocked out, prevent nerve damage, and prevent soft tissue injuries. If you suffer from bruxism and grind your teeth at night, a mouthguard can prevent your teeth from wearing down. As you grind your teeth over time, the enamel can wear down, and your teeth can become chipped, cracked, or broken.

A custom-fitted mouthguard is the ideal solution for both athletes and patients who grind their teeth. Because they are created just for you by a dental professional, they will offer the highest level of protection.